Live in the present moment wisely and earnestly

Morning discover that cheers

Health Observation in Chinese















































































Explanation on Health in Chinese




















































※ 避免喝果汁,因果汁不像新鲜水果有较高的纤维,容易使血糖不







2.含维生素E ,减轻情绪不稳定,有助抗氧化, 提升免疫能力

※ 避免吃太多,因为坚果类属高热量的食物,容易发胖喔













2.增加焦虑.使情绪 起伏变化大












香瓜、香蕉 等








I’ve found words in my mind in her writing :)

I’ve found words in my mind in her writing 🙂

There have been thoughts swimming, swirling, running, jumping in and out of my mind and emotion, that more than often, I can’t and not in time to pin these thoughts down,

And here

just once glance, these are what have been going around, developing and fading in and out in my mind.

With thanks to the writer, and

with hope I can clearly find my words and clarity,

and in time I can explain to others to understand easily and usefully … 🙂

Write … Clarity … When I thought I am clear, I thought I have made a decision, I feel lost a little while later after being unable to jump into the choice

Write … Clarity … When I thought I am clear, I thought I have made a decision, I feel lost a little while later after being unable to  jump into the choice, and after talking to people and I tend to always see both sides.

I guess ultimately is:


What is my Purpose? How can it be for the greatest good, with flow, with sufficient ease …


I feel a lot : It is NOT fighting anymore. It is FLOW.

And discard ALL that is no longer serving the purpose energy.



And while my energy is returning, my physical body, the veins and points are aching.

why? HOW?

Dream … Birds

My dream …small flighty humming birds in a big transparent tank. The tank is just rectangular, very basic plain glass of about a meter-ish, nothing fanciful, yet the birds appear fine.

Except there was this baby bird that seemed to be lost, weak, a few metres away, which I found it, and tried to brush it onto a newspaper to carry it back to its family, supposedly in the glass tank. It must be such a baby, because it seemed that its feather was not fully grown. That was why I felt I couldn’t take it by the hand, and actually brushed it up the newspaper. Its eyes were not fully opened either. A few times, it rolled around till it dropped out again. I managed to finally bring it back to the tank.

The little baby bird definitely did not seem to have fully developed its consciousness.

The other humming birds were flighty, energectic. A number of them were flapping their wings, like dancing, balancing in mid air. Why they were doing this, I am not sure, as I do not recall seeing flowers there. Still, it was full of life. There was a sense of joy, well even though it wasn’t the overflowing type, it was a sense of cheeriness. YES, this is the word – Cheery.

Then as I walked off, after somehow putting the little baby humming bird back (actually I think I assumed it was a humming bird, as there was only small humming birds around and the baby was tiny too, despite it was still greyish. Come to think about it , how a bird landed in the mid of the corridor?) … Anyway, back to as I walked off, the humming birds actually became the background in the glass tank, and I saw many white owls in the foreground! They weren’t solo animals, they were hanging around in a group. Then, one turned its head around, as is if looking at me or us, such big round eyes! And such snow white feathers!

Strange dream.

They were in a tank but I sensed there was a big opening on top, and the birds are free to go. The glass tank did not feel like a cage, holding back the birds’ freedom. It felt more like a protection, and keeping us, humans away, able to watch them, with a distance or barrier , so we can keep our respect and awe.

I sense I really like them and I am in a sense of awe. I constantly felt keep a distance unless they want to approach me. When not ready, just watch and be glad I have found them. This is how I feel. That feeling that I should not change how things are, or the word is “affect” the proper-ness of that world hmmmm


 * * * * * *

The hummingbird spirit animal symbolizes the enjoyment of life and lightness of being. Those who have the hummingbird as a totem are invited to enjoy the sweetness of life, lift up negativity wherever it creeps in and express love more fully in their daily endeavors. This fascinating bird is capable of the most amazing feats despite its small size, such as traveling great distances or being able to fly backwards. By affinity with the hummingbird, those who have this bird as totem may be encouraged to develop their adaptability and resiliency while keeping a playful and optimistic outlook.

* * * * * *

Perhaps, that baby humming bird is me (Haha come to think about it, it was a bit more plump than the adult hummingbird, just like I am a bit over-weight haha). I am still at infancy stage when it comes to enjoying life. Life is dwelling about responsibility, though not as heavy self brought upon burden as it used to be. “Develop adaptability and resilency while keeping playful and optimistic outlook.”

* * * * * *

Hummingbird Meaning

The hummingbird generally symbolizes joy and playfulness, as well as adaptability. Additional symbolic meanings are:

  • Lightness of being, enjoyment of life
  • Being more present
  • Independence
  • Bringing playfulness and joy in your life
  • Lifting up negativity
  • Swiftness, ability to respond quickly
  • Resiliency, being able to travel great distances tirelessly


The hummingbird spirit animal and the enjoyment of life

If the hummingbird shows up in your life as a spirit animal, it may remind you to enjoy life’s simple pleasures and take time to enjoy yourself. The hummingbird’s wisdom carries an invitation to take part in and draw to you life’s sweetness, like you would drink the nectar of your own flower.

The call of the hummingbird totem will guide you to open up to love and lightness in your emotional life. When you see your totem, you are encouraged to open up your heart and expose yourself more to joy and love. It might be time to show how you feel to loved ones or people who are close to you.

The hummingbird and the power of swiftness and flexibility

The hummingbird is one of the most fascinating birds because of its ability to move its body swiftly, change direction quickly and smoothly, seemingly gliding from one place to another. By affinity with this power animal, you can be encouraged to use or develop a similar skill.

When the hummingbird shows up in your life, it may be an invitation to flex you path, perhaps even bending backward or forward, in order to accommodate life’s circumstances. You may be required to adapt to a situation that is a bit more demanding than usual. The wisdom carried by this spirit animal emphasizes flexibility and lightness in your approach to the unexpected.

The hummingbird, a power animal indicative of strong sensibility

By association with the hummingbird power animal, you may have already developed a strong adaptability and are typically quick to respond to any demand. You may also have a high sensibility and feel every nuances of emotions or movement in your environment.

Brought to the extreme, this ability may lead you to emotional instability as you shift rapidly from one feeling or mood to another without warning. The hummingbird totem wisdom could challenge you to figure out how to stand strong while being able to move quickly and fly high, whether it’s through your personal or spiritual aspirations.

How to use the hummingbird spirit guide to lift up negativity

The spirit of the hummingbird is a powerful mean to lighten up your mood when you feel down. This power animal is a useful ally to lift you up and instill more joy and playfulness in your daily grind.

When facing challenges or an environment plagued by negativity, call on the hummingbird to help you bring a positive outlook on the situation and find your way out with optimism.

The hummingbird totem and the wisdom of accomplishing great feats

Don’t be deceived by the size of this spirit animal: Even if the hummingbird is one of the smallest birds, it can travel great distances. Those who have that bird as totem are characterized by their resiliency and their ability to run great distances tirelessly. Inspired by this totem, you will be inclined to accomplish what seems impossible to most while keeping it light and enjoyable.

The hummingbird is known for burning a lot of energy quickly to keep flying and therefore needs to find sources of food constantly. If you have the hummingbird as a totem, you may benefit from resting often and taking time to feed yourself with enough, whether it’s physically, emotionally or spiritually, to keep going.

Do you want more abundance and success in your life? Your personal vibration frequency could be the thing holding you back. To start raising your energetic frequency today, you’ll want to download the Energetic Breakthrough Kit from Christie Sheldon. This proven method includes a few things but most of all check out the heart center awakening meditation!

* * * * * *

The hummingbird symbolizes many different concepts. Because of its speed, the hummingbird is known as a messenger and stopper of time. It is also a symbol of love, joy, and beauty. The hummingbird is also able to fly backwards, teaching us that we can look back on our past. But, this bird also teaches that we must not dwell on our past; we need to move forward. When the hummingbird hovers over flowers while drinking nectar, we learn that we should savour each moment, and appreciate the things we love.

The hummingbird has powerful spiritual significance. In the Andes of South America the hummingbird is a symbol of resurrection. It seems to die on cold nights, but comes back to life again at sunrise.

Hummingbird is the creature that opens the heart. When the hurt that caused us to close our hearts gets a chance to heal, our hearts are free to open again.

With hummingbird consciousness, we learn the truth of beauty. Our life becomes a wonderland of delights in flowers, aromas and tastes. We laugh and enjoy creation, we appreciate the magic of the present moment, and the magic of being alive.

Hummingbird teaches us the medicinal properties of plants and how to work with the energy of flowers to heal ourselves and others. Hummingbirds teach us fierce independence. They teach us to fight in a way where no one gets hurt. They teach us courage. Having the courage to refrain from creating new trauma by communicating non-violently toward ourselves and others is an important part of healing. Recovering lost parts of ourselves enables us to become healthily independent.

It is not commonly known that the fluttering wings of the hummingbird move in the pattern of an infinity symbol – further solidifying their symbolism of eternity, continuity, and infinity.

By observing the Hummingbird, we see they are seemingly tireless. Always actively seeking the sweetest nectar, they remind us to forever seek out the good in life and the beauty in each day. Amazing migrators, some Hummingbirds are known to wing their way as far as 2000 miles to reach their destination. This quality reminds us to be persistent in the pursuit of our dreams, and adopt the tenacity of the Hummingbird in our lives.

* * * * * *

In Native American culture, a hummingbird symbolizes timless joy and the Nectar of Life. It’s a symbol for accomplishing that which seems impossible and will teach you how to find the miracle of joyful living from your own life circumstances.

They are really spectacular birds, and have a lot to teach a person about self discovery and healing.

It stands for immortality. Or sometimes the Sun.

Hummingbird is seen by some as a messenger of love and joy. It symbolises energy, wonder and swift action. It is associated with the Ghost Spirit native American religion which teaches a dance that is intended to return the natural balance of the world.

* * * * * *

When Hummingbird flits by:

Know that it is time for you to aggressively pursue your dreams and make them a reality. Joy is just around the corner – you simply have to believe that your dreams are possible to manifest now. Stop waiting and go for it! Alternatively perhaps it is time to ask yourself and meditate upon these questions: “Where is your joy?”, “Can you find happiness within yourself?”, and “How can you increase the happiness in your life?”

When Hummingbird is your Animal Totem:

You are a messenger of hope and jubilation. You aggressively seek out those that need inspiration and renewal and bring forth the best in them. You are loyal, playful and persistent.

When Hummingbird thrums through your dreams;

Suggests that seemingly small ideas and concepts often possess a lot of potential and power. Alternatively, it can symbolize your flighty thoughts and frivolous ideas have merit and should be explored.


* * * * * *


That baby hummingbird is pretty much me, or this phase of me. I need to nurture myself to full energy to flit around to make dreams come through. I need to grow to be this energy of hope, sun, renewal, resurrection.

The nurturing seems to mean I need alone time.




It is already 25 October. I have still been thinking of the dream often. The images are still clear.

I sense I could not seethe little bird, except giving it well wishes to grow strong, full of vitality soon. All I see is the owls, and perhaps the little bird is behind the owls. Even the hummingbirds are being sensed, instead of seen.


 25 October New dream … related to school, to work, to should I go or not …

What is exactly my role now?

Of course, get myself heal. The balance of my different aspects.

Have to speed up?




Spiritual Practice – BEGIN!


5 Easy Ways To Begin A Spiritual Practice Today

5 Easy Ways To Begin A Spiritual Practice Today

Many of us want to bring spirituality into our lives but don’t know where to begin. Or we think we have to sit in silent meditation for an hour each day in order to be “spiritual.”
This is not true.
Here are 5 easy tips to begin to decrease stress, calm your mind, deepen your spiritual connection, and increase your overall happiness and health.
1. Spend time alone.
One of the ways we avoid suffering and pain is to fill our lives with a lot of busyness. My mom always used to say when I used to complain of my busy Manhattan lifestyle, “Well, it’s better than being bored.”
But actually, spiritually speaking, it’s really good to allow ourselves to be “bored.” It’s super powerful to watch our tendency to want to create something to do, somewhere to go, someone to be with.
We fill our lives to avoid going deeper. In actuality, it is in those moments of stepping past the uncomfortable silence that we start to see and feel the inner essence of who we really are.
2. Develop daily rituals and spiritual study.
Sit with yourself and close your eyes. Even for 5 to 10 minutes. Watch and focus on the breath. Every time the mind starts to chatter with to-do lists, regrets about the past or worries about the future, just bring it back to the breath. With no judgement. You are just watching. Creating awareness. Soon you’ll start to notice how much you live in the antics of your mind, not the present moment. The key to peace and happiness is nothing external. It is actually just being fully present.
Read books. While our transformation needs to be experiential, part of our growth happens while philosophically learning from others. Spirit will guide you to the books you need to read for your spiritual growth right now. Listen and trust.
3. Move your body.
Yoga changed my life. In my corporate finance days, I thought yoga was a waste of time. With my crazy work schedule, I didn’t have much time to exercise so I needed to get the most “bang for my buck” and yoga just didn’t cut it. I didn’t have time to sit and stretch!
Eventually, though, the spiritual books were guiding me to re-try yoga. Only then was I guided to the right teacher and style. I remember leaving those classes walking down the streets of NYC feeling the most peace I had experienced in my mind and body….ever.
If yoga doesn’t speak to you, then dance, take a martial art, or start a fitness routine that you love and makes you feel good.  The idea is to release tension and increase the connection to your body.
4. Align with other like-minded souls. 
You are the company you keep. This can be difficult when you’re beginning on the spiritual path because your current friends, and especially family, may not understand what you’re up to. Then you may start to doubt or question the changes you are feeling. This is where the yoga studio or meditation group friends become your new circle. They’ve either been there already or are going through it. Connect with them. You’ll need a mentor and tribe to guide you through the journey.
5. Step out of your comfort zone.
You may find yourself in a room full of people chanting in sanskrit, being asked to stand on your head, or sit on the ground cross-legged for a half-hour. You may find yourself perusing spiritual book stores or going to a meditation practice rather than out for happy hour.
You may begin to have creative desires that you never knew you had or feeling more fearless to take a travel adventure on your own. These practices may be unlike anything you’ve ever done before….Scary. Weird. Uncomfortable. It’s OK. Stay open. Magic happens here.
It is my wish that these few simple tips guide you on your path. Whether you are just starting out, or have been feeling guided for a while, these few simple lessons are the basics that we can ALWAYS return to. They are still all a part of my daily practice.

Morning Practice

This early morning rise of mine today has led me 

thinking desiring more of a good morning routine leading and enhancing spiritual growth.

As usual, I look for articles and found this!

Thanks s Michelle Nickolaison,who’s biased towards yoga, her write-up at ; ) !

Also, I found

// // // // // // // // //

How to Develop a Strong Morning Practice to Start Your Day Well

How to Develop a Strong Morning Practice// // // // // // // // //

Your mornings set the tone for the rest of the day. We all know this. If you get off to a bad start, oftentimes the rest of your day follows suit.

The best way to combat this is to come up with a meaningful morning practice that acts as a buffer between getting up and starting your day, and puts you in the right headspace to go out and face the world. (Or do whatever it is you do, on a day-to-day basis.)

It gives you a space in the morning where you know you can be mindful to help you strive for mindfulness for the rest of your day, and it also kick starts your body and mind.

What is a Morning Practice?

It can be as simple or as involved as you want it to be. I like to think of mine as a set of rituals. I get up, drink some water, and then do yoga and Shiva Nata. After that, I ground, center, and then meditate for five to ten minutes.

Then I shower, get dressed, sit down at my desk, and do a daily one card tarot draw, recording it in my journal. After all of that, I can boot up the computer and write my words for the day.

It sounds awfully involved when it’s listed like that. In actuality, it only takes thirty to sixty minutes, and it has enough factors that it can be tweaked depending on how I’m feeling in the morning and how much time I have to spend on it.

You might notice that it includes not only physical activities, and not solely mental activities, either; it’s a good blend of both. It doesn’t do a lot of good to start the day mentally awake but with a stiff and sluggish body, and it doesn’t do any good to start the day with your body warmed up but your mind not.

The best way to wake up your body is through exercise. Obviously I am biased towards yoga and Shiva Nata, but you might like something else. Running is a popular option, or tai chi.

Exercise will get your blood flowing. It also makes you feel more energized and provides a rush of endorphins (basically, chemicals that make you feel awesome). Who wouldn’t want to start their day off with that?

There’s just as many options for waking up mentally. Meditation is another activity with well proven benefits, and it’s so simple that you can do it without any tools at all. If you like, though, you can listen to music without words or sounds to help you along. I like beach or water noises, personally.

I’d suggest starting out with an easily manageable chunk of time, just a few minutes, and then working your way up to ten minutes or longer. I’d also suggest meditating after exercising, so that there’s less risk of falling back asleep!

Another option is writing. I use It’s the digital version of the morning pages exercise from The Artist’s Way. Or you can write three pages by hand—whichever works better for you. This is especially useful for writers, because it lets us get all of the “gunk” out of our head. That way, when we sit down to write again later in the day, we have clear minds.

And of course, there’s always prayer, if that works with your personal worldviews.

Building Your Practice

If you don’t currently have a morning practice, don’t design something long and complicated when you’re starting off. I started off with five minutes of yoga. That was it. Then I went up to fifteen minutes, added a few minutes of meditation, added the daily draw and writing, and the Shiva Nata came last, very recently.

I first began six or seven months ago, so it does take time to build a balanced morning practice. But it’s so worth it to start with just one small change today. There’s nothing like starting your day off feeling fabulous, physically and mentally.

Photo by Shaun Scholtz.

Avatar of Michelle Nickolaisen

About Michelle Nickolaisen

Michelle is a 22 year old blue haired Austinite, who writes about creativity and spirituality at Wicked Whimsy.


“Smile, breathe, and go slowly.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh





Seven Morning Spiritual Practices to Start Your Day Off Right | Guiding Echoes<!–// //

Seven Morning Spiritual Practices to Start Your Day Off Right

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Seven Morning Spiritual Practices to Start Your Day Off Right | Guiding Echoes<!–// //

How you wake up each morning is important, and what you do after you wake up is even more critical, as it sets the mood for the rest of your day. We all have bad days and while we can’t prevent them from taking place, we can set our mood in the morning to help us navigate through them.

Most people aren’t morning people because they don’t know how to start their morning off right. They start their day with the annoying screech of an alarm clock, listening to the news and arguing with their kids or spouses. If that’s how your day usually starts, is it any wonder that you’re not a morning person?

We’ve all heard the saying “garbage in, garbage out.” This saying means that whatever we put into our minds will effect our attitude and the way behave with others. However, it also effects how we see the world. If you are addicted to the news, and if this is what you listen to first thing in the morning, then you will start your day by feeling stressed, disappointed and miserable before you even walk out the door. You’ll be overly cautious, looking over your shoulder and waiting for the next bad thing to happen to you. Remember, that 99% of the things we worry about never actually happen. And worrying about a situation or event won’t prevent it from taking place, so why would you want to spend all your energy on something that isn’t beneficial to you?

In this article, you’ll be presented with 7 spiritual practices that will help you to start your day off right.

Reading: It may seem simple, but spending just a few minutes each morning to read an uplifting passage from an encouraging, spiritual book can help to get your day off to a great start. Spiritual books give you good, solid advice and increases your awareness of your own behavior through out the day. They also teach you how to respond to the negative things around you. Build your spiritual muscles by making it a point to read something encouraging, insightful and uplifting each morning. This raises your vibration and puts you in a good mood. You’ll be amazed by the results.

Yoga: This simple art of breathing and stretching provides many physical benefits as well as spiritual ones. Yoga is useful in helping you to develop flexibility, strength and balance. Many people have experienced weight loss and increased stamina from yoga alone. The act of stretching and breathing connects you to the energy of the universe. When it’s done properly, it also helps to re-align your chakras and to get your life energy (also referred to as chi) to flow properly. People of every age and body shape can enjoy the benefits of yoga. Remember to go at your own pace and start by doing the exercises that are comfortable for you.

Meditation: If you’re the type of person who wakes up with a mind that is full of needless chatter, than you will benefit greatly from this simple exercise. 10 minutes alone can help to calm your overwhelming thoughts and silence your mind so that you can think clearly, perhaps for the first time. Clearing your mind for your own incessant chatter opens your spiritual ears so that you can receive guidance from the Universe. Until you quiet your mind, you will find it difficult to connect with God. Meditation has physical benefits too, such as lowering blood pressure, increasing blood flow and enhances your immune system.

Visualization: How would you like your day to go? What are your goals? How do you want people to treat you? Don’t just hope for the results that you want. Make them happen through visualization. Take just 5-10 minutes each morning (or more if you have the time, find the exercise fun and even somewhat addicting) and create a movie of how you want your day to go. Are you dreading a meeting with a difficult client? Imagine yourself in that meeting and see the power of the universe supporting you. See your guides and angels crowding around you, giving you the right words to say at the right time. See your difficult client smiling and accepting your information with grace and gratitude. The best way to think of visualization is a prayer that you see. You are putting this information out to the Universe and the Universe will respond in kind. Although things may not always go the way that you plan, you should find that things end up working themselves out or that you are somehow better equipped to take on the challenges of the day.

Prayer: Communicating with your deities is like starting the day by talking to your best friend. You can share your hopes and fears with them, and they will give you advice on how to go about it. Sometimes, we may not hear our guides talk back to us, but we honor them by praying to them and making them our first priority in the morning. When you do this, they will make their presence know to you. You may feel them as an impression or an inner voice, or you may even get the feeling that a loving presence is with you throughout your day. Think of them as your own group of cheerleaders. They are always there for you and want you to succeed. And if you need a proverbial shoulder to cry on, they’re there for that to. Quite simply, deities see things that we don’t and therefore, can do things that we can’t. It never hurts to have an ally on your side and they are always happy to be there.

Thankfulness: Spiritual mentor Wayne Dyer has mentioned that this is his favorite morning practice. Each morning, before you get out of bed, run through a list of the things that you are thankful for. Your list may be small, or it may be long. It doesn’t matter so long as you generate those feelings of gratitude and thank God for the wonderful blessings he’s poured into your life. Even if things are tough, you can always find something to be thankful for. You can be thankful for your bed, your health, your eyesight, you friends, your kids, your job or even your unemployment check. Some people prefer to say their thank you’s out loud while others write them in a journal. Either way works, so do what is right for you. Remember that when we say thank you to God, the universe, our friends and co-workers, that our gratitude creates reciprocal feelings of love and contentment, and also encourages them to do more for us because they know that we genuinely appreciate their favor.

Go For A Walk: How often do you get out and spend time with nature? If you’re like most people, you find that you spend more time indoors that outdoors. I’m sure we’re all familiar with the many physical benefits of walking but are you familiar with the spiritual rewards of this exercise? The sky, the trees, flowers, plants, animals, lakes, soil and even bugs all have messages for us and if we don’t spend time with them, how can we hear what they are trying to say? Walks not only increases the number of cells in our brains and the connections that these cells make. They also connect us to nature. That connection helps us to be more creative and, as with yoga, gets our energy flowing. Walking outside also puts us in the moment in a good way. If you choose to go for a walk to gain spiritual benefits as well as physical ones, you may want to leave the dogs or the kiddies at home. You can always take them later.

Although we have listed these practices as exercises to do in the morning, you can do them in the afternoon or evening as well. The purpose of doing them in the morning is to ground you before the day starts. Don’t feel as if you must do all 7 exercises each and every morning. Instead, play with them and see which ones feel the best to you.

You can try rotating them and try a different exercise each day. Or you can stick to one or two to do each morning. It’s completely up to you.

Do you have a morning routine that wasn’t on the list? Have you experimented with the practices above? If so, how did they effect you? Tell us about it by leaving a comment below.

We would love hear from you. Namaste.

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CREATE A NEW STORY -quiz I haven’t tried

Recreate Your Life Story Quiz

I haven’t tried the 7-question quiz. I like what I see

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I have a good Meditation this morning :D :D :D … 40 Days Meditation

I woke up naturally slightly before 6 am this morning AND I MEDITATED! IT was a good meditation. Think it was almost an hour. The meditation just felt right, even I may not have gone into the “no thoughts” state extensively. I am pretty I have learnt to OBSERVE and be AWARE and also,let that part of me just speak from moment to moment for insights.

Guess it is time to go for the  40 Days Meditation Challenge that Patriji and all at Pyramid Meditation have recommended 😀

Imagine …

Sat 27 Sep Day 1

Sun 28 Sep Day 2

Mon 30 Sep Day 3

Tue  1 Oct  Day 4

Wed 2 Oct Day 5

Thu  3 Oct Day 6

Fri   4 Oct Day 7

—— Week 1 🙂

Sat  5 Oct Day 8

Sun 6 Oct Day 9

Mon 7 Oct Day 10

Tue  8 Oct Day 11

Wed 9 Oct Day 12

Thu 10 Oct Day 13

Fri   11 Oct Day 14

—— WEEK 2 😀

Sat  12 Oct Day 15

Sun 13 Oct Day 16

Mon 14 Oct Day 17

Tue  15 Oct Day 18

Wed 16 Oct Day 19

Thu   17 Oct Day 20

Fri    18 Oct Day 21

—— WEEK 3 😀 🙂

Sat  19 Oct Day 22

Sun 20 Oct Day 23

Mon 21 Oct Day 24

Tue  22 Oct Day 25

Wed 23 Oct Day 26

Thu  24 Oct Day 27

Fri   25 Oct Day 28

—— WEEK 4 😀 😀

Sat  26 Oct Day 29

Sun 27 Oct Day 30

Mon 28 Oct Day 31

Tue 29 Oct Day 32

Wed 30 Oct Day 33

Thu 31 Oct Day 34

Fri  1 Nov Day 35

—— WEEK 5 😀 😀 😀

Sat 2 Nov Day 36

Sun 3 Nov Day 37

Mon 4 Nov Day 38

Tue 5 Nov Day 39

Wed 6 Nov Day 40

40 DAYs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!